Welcome to the official website of God’s Squad Christian Motorcycle Club
Whether you are already part of our God’s Squad community, have seen us on the road or are wondering what it is that we believe and causes us to do what we do, we hope you find something on these pages worth looking at.
2021 is a big year for us. We celebrate fifty years since our colours first originally flew in Sydney and in 2022 we celebrate fifty years of the Melbourne chapter, which has been fully operational for the duration. Last year saw 25 years in the United Kingdom and this year also sees 25 years in New Zealand.
With all of this in mind, we are currently completely reworking the whole website to bring more of our collective story, a deeper insight to our mission and how we understand the call of Jesus of Nazareth in our lives. As we reflect, we know our story isn’t a perfect one by any means, but it is one where we can see the traces of God’s faithfulness over the decades. So, expect to see more history content, more personal stories, more reflections from the bible and other resources, whether written, audio or video. We also plan to be able to offer the content in multiple languages.
For many of us, recent ‘Covid’ days have been tough. We have been separated from our loved ones, our club communities, our support networks and the road has not been travelled as much as we would usually do. But we, like every other motorcycle club, church community, or family unit, will emerge with a resolve to hold close what is most important to us. For us that means things like Jesus still being a friend of the outcast. It means the sentiments of the ancient scriptures that speak of God not wanting to break a ‘bruised reed’ or put out a ‘smouldering wick’, have new resonance, as we all emerge feeling somewhat weary from however the pandemic has been affecting us.
It also means reminding ourselves, that this faith we hold dear, is not held together because of our own sense of self-importance or persistent ability to be right – but because Christ walks towards us with open arms in the same way he travelled the dusty roads of Galilee, with his ragamuffin bunch of misfit mates, making sure the outsiders knew they weren’t forgotten, and those who thought they were the insiders, were reminded it was still all about grace.
In the meantime, thanks for dropping by and looking us up.

Sean, GSCMC International President.
On the road and flying colours since 1971

He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

Video: God’s Squad 50th Anniversary Feature 2022
Some interviews at the Melbourne Chapter 50th Anniversary celebration in Kyneton, Australia, October 2022. Members and families from around the world attended.

Andrew “Jonesy” Jones (1969-2023)
Andrew “Jonesy” Jones GSCMC Launceston It is with a profound sense of sadness as a community of people, that we all share in the grief of our Launceston chapter as we mourn the death of long standing member Andrew ‘Jonesy’ Jones. Andrew had also spent a short time part of the club in the United […]

Barry ‘Baz’ Porter (1972-2022)
It is with a profound sense of sadness that we confirm the death of Barry ‘Baz’ Porter, our God’s Squad CMC Mid West Chapter President. Baz died on Friday 28 October, 2022 at the scene of a motorcycle accident on the Hume Highway north of Melbourne. Only days before Baz had celebrated his 50th birthday […]