True and False Prophets, Matthew 7:15-20. June 26, 2019
En välsignad dag och Guds rika välsignelse till er alla. Today text from Matthew 7:15-20 is a tough one, in fact the whole chapter is a challenge to us all. It warns us about the false prophets, but the chapter starts off with warning us not to judge each other, and finishes with reminding us […]
Jesus teachings. Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. June 19, 2019
Nga mihi mahana e hoa ma, rangimarie ki a koutou katoa. Warm greetings again friends and peace be with you all. Assalam alaykum! The Wednesday gospel text from the lectionary this week is Matthew 6:1-6 and 16-18. We have been back in Matthew reading the Sermon on the Mount for most of the last 10 […]
Jesus, salt & light and the law. Matthew 5:13-20. June 12, 2019
Womin-Jeka, (which is the local Wurundjeri indigenous phrase for welcome in my part of Australia) sisters and brothers and warm greetings from a mild Melbourne winter. I trust all is well in your world. Today’s gospel text comes from Matthew 5:13-20, where Jesus instructs his followers on being salt and light before going on to […]
Jesus prayer for us. John 17:11-19. June 5, 2019
Nga mihi mahana e hoa ma, rangimarie ki a koutou katoa! Warm greetings friends, peace be with you all. Today our gospel text is from John 17:11-19, part of a prayer Jesus prayed for us. This is a beautiful prayer where Jesus is pleading with his Father to care for us as he is about […]
The work of the Spirit, John 16:12-15. May 29, 2019
Greetings, this weeks reading comes from John 16:12-15, the work of the Holy Spirit. It is said that the Pentecostal stream of Christianity was birthed at the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles in 1905. It is the fourth major strand of the Christian religion, following on from Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism. However, many […]
I am the true Vine. John 15:1-8. May 22, 2019
Greetings once more from Leicester, as we look at a passage of warning, encouragement, and hope, from the words of John 15: 1-8. (The picture is from Switzerland, having rode through the hillside vineyards). Over twenty years ago we acquired five gooseberry bushes, which produced extremely large sweet gooseberries, they were very good fruit in […]
The final challenge, John 12:44-50. May 15, 2019
Nga mihi mahana i tenei ata e hoa ma; rangimarie ki a koutou katoa. Warm greetings friends this morning; peace be with you all. Our gospel today is from John 12:44-50. Headed up ‘The final challenge’ in our Bibles. These words are the last words in the public space that Jesus spoke as a ‘free […]
Jesus and the bread of life, John 6:35-40. May 8, 2019
Hi Folks, Greetings from the Island of Ireland. The photo attached to today’s offering from me, was taken about two weeks back. In the photo myself and my GSCMC Brother from Australia, Mike Cox, on a journey in Southern Ireland. When riding on the Motorway, or Highway in my country the Law that governs our […]
Jesus and the Father, John 14:1-14. May 1, 2019
Atamarie e hoa ma, good morning friends. Today our gospel text is John 14:1-14. This is a wonderful section of John where Jesus says some amazing things about his relationship to God, his father, and what this can mean for those who will trust and follow him. We are living now in the glow and […]
The Road to Emmaus – Luke 24:13-35. April 24, 2019
Jesus är uppstånden, ja, han är sannerligen uppstånden! In Luke 24:13-35 we join two of the disciples on the road. They are on their way to Emmaus and they have spent the weekend before celebrating easter in Jerusalem, where their rabbi have been crucified and killed. What started as a great triumph when entering Jerusalem […]